OWON VDS6104A 100MHz 1GS/s 4 Channel virtual Oscilloscope


OWON's new VDS6104A 100MHz 1GS/s 4 Channel virtual Oscilloscope has a up to 14 bits vertical resolution. The measuring accuracy is 64 times that of a normal oscillsocpe. With a new ultra thin design for easy transport.  

Model VDS6104A
Bandwidth 100MHz
Channel 4 channels
Sample Rate 1GSa/s
Horizontal Scale (s/div) 1ns/div~100s/div, step by 1~2~5
Sampling mode General sampling, peak detection, average
Record Length 10M
Input Coupling DC, AC, GND
Input Impedance 1MΩ±2%,in parallel with15pF±5pF
Vertical Sensitivity 2mV/div~5V/div
Vertical Resolution (A/D) 8bits/12 bits/14 bits
Max Input Voltage 40V Peak value(DC + AC Peak value)
Bandwidth limitation 20 MHz,full bandwidth
Probe Attenuation Factor 1X,10X,100X,1000X
Trigger Type Edge, Pulse,Video, Slope,
Trigger Mode Auto, Normal, and Single
Cursor Measurement △V, and △T between cursors
Automatic Measurement Vpp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vamp, Vavg, Vrms, Overshoot, Preshoot, Freq, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Delay A→B , Delay A→B , +Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty
Communication Interface USB Device (Typ-c);USB Host ; LAN, WIFi(optional)
frequency counter support
Dimensions (W × H × D) 190mm×120mm×18mm
Device Weight About 0.45kg

Accessories included / optional:

VDS6000 Series 4CH User Manual
PDF – 2,5 MB 722 downloads
VDS6000 Series 4CH Quick Guide
PDF – 846,0 KB 634 downloads
VDS6000 Secondary Development Documents
Archive – 1,4 MB 638 downloads