OWON FDS1102A 14bits 4-in-1 Scope - multimeter - power supply - waveformgenerator


OWON's new FDS1102A 14bits is a 2 channel oscilloscope , multimeter, power supply and waveform generator is a all in one device that combines 4 units in one formfactor.

The OWON FDS1102A 

  • DSO+AG+Power supply + Multi-meter 4-in-1
  • Supports edge trigger, slope, pulse width, window, under amplitude, interval, timeout, code type, Nth edge, video trigger, serial bus trigger etc.
  • Supports FRA chart testing
  • Android based, new experience, more possible
  • Supports external HDMI display, mouse and keyboard, facilitating complex editing operations
  • Supports configuring multi-media equipment, such as camera, microphone, speaker and headphone jack, expand more teaching methods
  • Rich interface: USB host x4, USB device, LAN, HDMI
  • 10.4 inch capacitive touch HD display
OSCILLOSCOPE Specifications FDS1102A
Bandwidth 100MHz
Sample Rate 1GS/s
Vertical Resolution (A/D) 14bits
Channel 2
Input impedance 1MΩ ± 2%, in parallel with 15pF ± 5pF
Input coupling DC, AC, and GND
Record length 10M
Horizontal Scale (s/div) 2ns/div - 1000s/div, step by1 - 2 - 5
Max Input Voltage 1MΩ ≤ 300Vrms;
Vertical Sensitivity 1mV/div - 10V/div (at input)
Cursor Measurement △V, and △T between cursors, △V and △T between cursors, and auto- cursors
Automatic Measurement Period, Frequency, +Pulse Width, -Pulse Width, Rise Time, Fall Time, Screen Duty, +Duty Cycle, -Duty Cycle, PK-PK, RMS, Overshoot, Max, Min, Top, Cycle RMS, Base, Amplitude, Preshoot, +Pulse Count, -Pulse Count, Rise Edge Count, Fall Edge Count, Area、Cycle Area, Delay A→B, Delay A→B, Phase, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF
Waveform Math +, -, ×, ÷, FFT,  User Defined Function, digital filter
Waveform Storage 128MB,100 waveforms
Lissajou'sFigure Bandwidth
Phase Difference ±3 degrees
Trigger Type Edge, Video, Pulse, Slope, Runt, Windows, Timeout, Nth Edge, Logic, I2C, SPI, RS232, LIN and CAN
Line / Field Frequency (video) NTSC, PAL and SECAM standard
Trigger Mode Auto, Normal, and Single
Interface HDMI;USB device *1, USB Host  *4 ;Trig Out(P/F);LAN;earphone
Frequency Counter available
WIFI (Optional) available
Display 10.4 inch(1024×768)touch LCD
POWER SUPPLY Specifications
Channel CH1/CH2
Rated Output(0℃-40℃) Max Voltage
Max Current 0.1-3A
Max Power 15W
Setting Resolution Voltage
Current 10mA
MULTIMETER Specifications Prijs
Broodje oude kaas €7.50
Stamppot van zoete aardappel €13.20
Frikandellenbroodje €3.50
WAVEFORM GENERASTOR Specifications Prijs
Broodje oude kaas €7.50
Stamppot van zoete aardappel €13.20
Frikandellenbroodje €3.50

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